B.Tech Distance Education


4 Years / 3 Years (Lateral Entry)


10+2 with PCM / Diploma in Engineering / B.Sc. with Mathematics


10+ Universities are offering this Course

About B.Tech Distance Education

B.Tech Distance Education is 3 years (Lateral Entry) /4 years undergraduate program that imparts extensive knowledge of different engineering fields and prepares learners for a brilliant career in engineering. Distance B Tech Degree is offered under various specializations such as mechanical, civil, mining, computer science, aeronautics, electronics, etc.

Why B.Tech Distance Education?

Distance B Tech can be a blessing for those who cannot pursue regular on-campus B Tech programs. B Tech Distance Education helps working professions to excel in their career, by pursuing further technical education, without leaving their job. Distance B Tech also helps students, who want to pursue technical education, but cannot continue their college education because of financial constraints and family commitments. Distance B Tech fee is very low as compared to Regular B Tech.

Is B.Tech Distance Education Valid?

There are many UGC-AICTE approved universities in India offering alternatives for B.Tech Distance Education courses.

B.Tech Distance Education Need Approval Of

University Grants Commission

Association of Indian Universities

All India Council for Technical Education