Privacy Policy - PIML

About PIML

Terms & Conditions

Use of Personal Information

We do not collect any personal information unless you voluntarily provide it by sending us e-mail, participating in a survey, or completing an on-line form. Personal information submitted will not be transferred to any non-affiliated third parties unless otherwise stated at the time of collection. When a user submits personally identifiable information it is used only for the purpose stated at the time of collection.


Where consent for the use and disclosure of personal information is required, the institute will seek consent from the appropriate person. In the case of a student’s personal information, the institute will seek the consent from the student and/ or parent depending on the circumstances and the student’s mental ability and maturity to understand the consequences of the proposed use and disclosure.


This website takes every precaution to protect our users' personal information. Whenever users submit personal information (such as contact info or credit card info) via online forms, registration, or online purchase, upon submission that information is encrypted via the highest level of SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) available. Servers that store personally identifiable information are in a secure environment. Under no circumstances are credit card numbers permanently stored on our website servers.

Contact Information

If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at